Name of IDP sites
Rooble, Rabi-Tuug, Jeerow and Gor-Gor
Date of eviction January 25th, 2023
Region Banadir
District Kaxda and Garasbaley
Date of establishment Rooble, Jeerow and Rabi-Tuug were established in 2021, while Gor-gor in 2020.
Number of individuals evicted 203 households (1,218 individuals -67% female)
Description of HHs living in the site
• The evicted families are newly displaced families Bay, Bakool, Lower and Middle Shabelle. The families were displaced in 2021/22 due to drought and conflict. Of this, 74HHs (36%) have been displaced in the last three months.
• Vulnerable individuals include People with Disabilities (8); Children under 5 years (120); Single mothers (9); Elderly (21) and people with chronic illnesses and other serious illnesses (50).
• According to camp leaders, immediately after the eviction incident, three persons died in Rooble and Rabi-Tuug IDP sites (a child and two elderly persons). The deaths were as a result of tuberculosis, diarrhoea, and malnutrition.
Evicting person/institution Private citizens
Reason for evictions Owner-driven development
GPS Coordinates
• 2.062086,45.246998- Rooble
• 2.061936,45.247556- Jeerow
• 2.061851,45.248178- Rabi-Tuug
• 2.083871/45.255414-Gor-Gor
Due process
Lack of adequate notice and prior consultations. All the IDP settlements were provided with short notice periods ranging from one to two weeks. They affected sites had a formal land tenure agreement of four years from 2021 to 2024. The landowners (2) violated the terms of these agreements. Negotiations between the landowners and camp leaders failed.
Facilities destroyed
Humanitarian infrastructures
• 21 latrines
• I water point
• 1 school
• 1 Child-friendly Space
• 10 Emergency Shelter Kits Communal infrastructure
• 21 latrines
• 7 water pipelines
More details on eviction incident
The evicted families from all IDP sites have relocated to alternative land less than 1km from their previous location. Affected families carried their belongings on foot due to the lack of income to pay for transportation. Evicted families lack access to adequate shelter and access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities. According to camp leaders, an estimated 18 cases of diarrhoea/parasitic infections have been reported. The situation could deteriorate further if humanitarian assistance is not provided. Key humanitarian needs include: post-eviction cash assistance; Shelter and non-food items; emergency water, sanitation, and hygiene services; emergency food and livelihoods assistance; health and nutrition services; provision of legal assistance, including advocacy and referrals; and protection assistance.
Response so far
• The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) met with the camp leaders to discuss the evictions and other HLP related rights and protections for the affected IDPs.
• Negotiations with the landowners/landlords will take place in the next few days. NRC aims to engage the local authorities to facilitate formal land tenure agreements for the households.
• IDPs have identified alternative plots of land within the same villages and NRC is undertaking HLP due diligence to verify ownership and if there are any encumbrances on the site.
Beside identification of alternative land, no other response has been provided so far.

Want to know more? Contact: NRC - 00

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