Name of IDP site
Date of eviction
January 14th, 2023
Lower Juba
Date of establishment
Number of individuals evicted
750 individuals (534 females and 216 males) approximately 125 households
Description of HHs living in the site
The evicted families include: 106 protracted IDP HHs; 2 refugee HHs; 3 returnees HHs; 2 host communities HHs; and 12 newly displaced IDP HHs from Qudus, Beerhaani .kabsuuma, Araare in Jamaame district due to drought and insecurity. Vulnerable individuals include: People with Disabilities (2); Children under 5 years (72); Single mothers (23); Elderly (38) and people with chronic illnesses (4). Evicted families had a five-year written land tenure agreement from 2018 to 2022.
Evicting person/institution
Private citizen
Reason for evictions
Due to increased value of land, the landowner wanted to sell his land.
GPS Coordinates : Lat: -035756498; Long: 42.5556015
Due process Lack of adequate notice and prior consultations. A 10-day eviction notice in writing was issued.
Facilities destroyed
Humanitarian infrastructure • 8 communal latrines
• 2 wells Communal infrastructure
• 125 makeshift houses
• 1 Community centre
• 1 Qur’anic school
• 1 Mosque
• Quran self-treatment centre(Daru shifaa)
More details on eviction incident
The evicted families used donkey carts (35 USD) and trucks (55 USD) to transport their personal belongings, while others carried their belongings on foot due to the lack of income to cater to transportation costs. One dispute between two families occurred due to conflict over the use of a donkey cart. The evicted families are currently in Dalhiiska settlement, where JUCRI and NRC have negotiated for a 5-year land tenure agreement. Key humanitarian needs include: Post-eviction cash assistance; Shelter and Non-Food Items; Emergency Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services; Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods support; Education in Emergency support; and Legal assistance and referral services; and Protection assistance.
Response so far
Beside identification of alternative land with secure land tenure arrangement in place, no further response has been provided so far.

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